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Cinema Color Grading Pack

FREE Asset 4.24 Cinema Color Grading Pack LAST VERSION

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Even if this is for version 4.24 you can easy use that for higher versions like 4.26, 4.27+
Its only LUTs ;)

Over 100 artist made cinema-grade Look Up Textures to bring your visuals to the next level! Look Up Tables are small texture based color palettes that replace the colors on your screen, state-of-the-art and used in AAA games and Cinema, simply choose a LUT in the post processing volume and you're set! Instantly set up and with tiny performance impact, no tweaking, learning or adjusting colors yourself required! Perfect if you want color grading that works out of the Box with fantastic results.

• Blockbuster Cinema
• Retro Hollywood & Hip filters
• Lomo Photography
• Day and Night cycle
• Camera effects
• Simple Beauty gradings
• Rich Black and Whites
• Grunge and Horror
• Utilities
• Many subtle gradings!
And much more!

Now also with Color Blindness Simulation LUTs.

Check your project for potential hurdles and adjust in no time!
• Deuteranopia (Common)
• Protanopia (Rare)
• Tritanopia (Very Rare)

If you want to get started with color grading or simply desire highest quality LUTs to increase your choice, we got you covered.

Technical Details​

Number of Materials: NA
Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: NA
Number of Textures: 134
Texture Resolution (complete list): All 256x16
Intended Platform: PC, Mac, VR, Consoles
Platforms Tested: PC, Mac, VR
Documentation Included: Yes
Important\Additional Notes: Does not work on Mobile Platform

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