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FPS Multiplayer Template 3.5

PAID Asset Constant Updates 5.2 $15 FPS Multiplayer Template 3.5 v3.5

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Update version 3.5 for ue 5.2
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Reactions: armazohairge
Update for 1.5


- Bomb Icon
- Bombsite is going to be visible on the minimap (with a system to generate the Icon in the editor)
- Voting next game mode/map
- Ready system (instead of restarting the match, all players need to press-ready and you see on the leaderboard who is not ready)


- Minimap AC can now support dynamic material and change any texture parameter call Icon>
- They can go out of boundaries if needed
- Minimap is also contained in a retainer (which allows the object to be clipped correctly on the edge)
- Pre-timer before the match start can be used between rounds (not exposed yet on the UI)
- Sway on assault animation
- The possibility of locking game mode directly from the game mode table


- Fix Bomb: Drop on the ground when dying
- Fix Bomb: Stop shooting when Planting/Defusing
- Fix a small error when an AI (which has no HUD) was picking up a bomb
- Fix path for: Minimap generator, Map in the project settings (for packaging)
- Fix: Value for objective in the Game Mode Creator were not truly well set initially
- Fix: Movement was not correctly reset in between rounds (the movement was reset to walking when landing)

Thank you for waiting! We will add a default game mode with the bomb as soon as we have the AI working with them!
utkuturemenLatest member