- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/gfur-pro

UE5 - for UE5 version, send us an email with invoice for gFur (please use the email used on the invoice).
PLEASE send any issues, crash logs and general feedback to "[email protected]", thanks.
You have to uninstall gFur Free first to get PRO working.
Video showing gFur in motion.
Basic groom and physics
Using fur data in Animalia
gFur PRO supports static meshes, skeletal meshes, animated morph targets and has an advaced shader that allows you to blend between two sets of fur strand thicknesses and fur tiling. Further, there is support for fur clumping, wind effect and the package contains a few more fur patterns and noise textures.
- new option to switch gFur LODs based on LOD switching of the main mesh
- new shader option "Alpha Offset LOD amount" (helps to compensate lower layer count on LODs)
- new function "Regenerate gFur" which allows for changes in gFur in Runtime
- export spline dialogue now shows amount of generated fur strands for the native hair system
- bug fixes
- demo room
- advanced shader v2 with these enhacements:
- new (optional) AO algorithm
- enhanced rim lighting
- distance field collisions
- snow and dirt
- gFur shell generating component and gFur standard and advanced materials
- complete in-editor fur generation and grooming
- export of groom to UE native hair and fur
- Alembic import
- static mesh and skeletal mesh support
- animated morph target support
- custom depth support
- LODs with highly optimized toggleable physics
- shell bias (pushing the shells to outer regions where slicing is the most visible)
- noise for shell vertices along normal to break up the slicing (may be a stylistic choice)
- runs on non-dx 11 hw without physics
Technical Details
To access the content (gFur shaders and sample map), go into the "Content Browser", click on "View Options" and turn on "Show Engine Content" and "Show Plugin Content". Now you should see a new folder called "GFur Content".Code Modules: (Please include a full list of each Plugin module and their module type (Runtime, Editor etc.))
- GFur - Runtime
- GFurEditor - Editor
Number of C++ Classes: 13
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Win32, Win64
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64 (DX11 required), PS4, XboxOne
Documentation: http://gim.studio/gfur/