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HQ Realistic explosions - 2.0

FREE Unity HQ Realistic explosions - 2.0 LAST VERSION

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There are 26 different explosions and 4 custom shaders in the asset.

All explosion animations have a resolution from 4096 to 8192 px., but you can reduce the size of pictures. Some of the explosions are completely 3D and some are made using 1 sprite. The effects are very simple to use, just take and drop prefabs into your game!

PC/Consoles/Mobiles/Web/VR supported.
URP and HDRP supported from Unity 2019.2.
Support package for HDRP and URP here!

Demo for PC

Video and screenshots of the effects were made using post-effect "Bloom" from free Post Processing Stack by Unity Technologies!
Contact me if you have any problems or questions.

Check my new asset with full 3D explosions!
sussieduprizzLatest member