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L.V.E 2019 - Lava & Volcano Environment 2019

FREE Unity Constant Updates L.V.E 2019 - Lava & Volcano Environment 2019 v1.7.1

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L.V.E 2019– Lava and Volcano Environment 2019 is new rebuild and extended version of L.V.E. It is big pack of environment, systems, tools, textures, particles, post processing stacks and models which give you the ability to create volcanos, caves, interiors, rivers in high quality result and very cheap in render setup.

# 1 Spline tool
- create very advanced connected lava river networks (lakes,rivers,);
- automatic flowmap with noises;
- customize your lava river / lake via vertex paint;
- customize / overwrite automatic river /lake flow map by painter and change it’s direction and speed;
- physics simulation for objects that flow on lava sruface;
- automatic heating for objects that flow or touch lava surface;
-simulate lava river tool, setup 1 point and L.V.E will analise space to create lava river;
- scale, move, rotate any lava river point;
- snap / unsap into the terrain or models in all or separated points;
- change spline shape per point or in all points to create best looking road or river;
- change triangle amount and distribut them in spline space to get cheaper and best looking spline;
- create fabulous lava river with: waterfalls, slow, fast, lake,;
- rotate, invert uv to make compatibility with every texture direction;
- profile system - save your lava setup and switch to other in 2 seconds;
- automatic river network refreshing system to avoid river connections problems;
- place your lava river or cliff border with few seconds and blend it with terrain via vertex color;
- debug your flow map / normal / vertex colors with advanced debug shader to get best and clear result;
- shape, paint and foliage remove system for unity terrain;
- automatic stone heating function;
- R.A.M 2019 compatibility;
- API;
- CSV points import panel;
- Vegetation Studio support;
- Vegetation Studio PRO support;
- Streaming friendly - cut your river into submeshes or splines;
- New unity terrain support Unity 2018.3+;
- HD and URP, LW RP support;
- Multiple Terrains support;

# 2 Shader and material features
- cheap in render;
- 16 shaders and variants to fit scene performance and visual aspect;
- special mobile shaders;
- vertex paint tool;
- tessellation support;
- flow map support;
- vertex color support;
- rim light support;
- special shader for frozen lava;
- up to 3 different lava layers support;
- standard lava material in specular, metallic versions and vertex paint support for models;
- uv free materials for cliffs/interior walls with terrain blending;
- smoke and spark particle shaders;
- heated / distorted air particle shader;
- lava river shaders could rotate UV from U/-U into V/-V directions;
- shaders works on linear and gamma rendering (you only need to color and emission intensivity for gamma);
- cutout shaders versons for models;

# 3 Artistic content
- 99 (14 sets) Top and HQ ground and lava river textures (Albedo, Normal, AO, Height,Emission);
- 39 (14sets) rock and cliffs atlased textures (Albedo, Normal, AO, Height,Emission);
- 40 rock prefabs (20 models);
- 18 cliff prefabs (9 models);
- 11 particle prefabs, even volcano explosion with emissed rocks.;
- 2 cts profile file to get terrain height blend result by 1 click;
- 3 demo scenes from video;
- tutorial/ know how demo scene;
- post proces stack for each scene;

# 4 Additional tools content
- vertex and flowmap painter on meshes;
- physics scripts to make your rocks flow and burn when they hit lava;
- automatic heating scripts when rock heat the lava;
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