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Logic Driver Pro Indie - Dialogue, Quests, Combat Systems and More in Blueprints

PAID Plugin Constant Updates 5.4 $20 Logic Driver Pro Indie - Dialogue, Quests, Combat Systems and More in Blueprints v2.8.2

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Version 2.6.3​

April 13th, 2022 - Unreal Engine 4.26 - 5.0

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed crash in UE5 when dragging a variable to an exposed node property.
  • Fixed replicated state machines not starting after pawn possession and re-initializing the state machine.
  • Fixed server owned state machine components not starting when replication is disabled.

Version 2.6.2

April 5th, 2022 - Unreal Engine 4.26 - 5.0


  • The 5.0 release now supports Input Axis Events.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed crash when using text graph properties in an array.
  • Fixed an edge case crash when force deleting multiple assets

Version 2.6.0

February 14th, 2022 - Unreal Engine 4.26 - 4.27 | 5.0 EA

New Features

Transition Stack

Quickly generate an expression to determine which transition classes need to pass for a single transition to be taken.


  • Add multiple transition classes to a single transition.
  • Supports AND/OR and NOT from the details panel.
  • The local graph generates blueprint operator nodes which can be manually modified for more complex expressions.
  • See the Transition Stack Guide.

References Support Custom Classes and Public Variables

References will now display exposed properties of a custom node class assigned to their reference template.


  • Added Enable Reference Templates by Default project editor setting.
  • Reference templates will be enabled automatically if the blueprint already has a custom node class assigned.
  • See the Reference Node Class Guide.

Dynamic Reference Creation

State machine references can be dynamically created at initialization time by assigning a Dynamic Class Variable. This allows a single reference node be assigned a different state machine blueprint at run-time and can greatly simplify graphs that need to be shared across different actors.


Any State Scoping with Gameplay Tags

Any States now support Gameplay Tag Queries to limit their scope to states with matching tags.

  • This is an editor time convenience feature and has no effect at run-time.
  • Each Any State icon will now appear on the node it impacts. Double clicking the icon will focus the Any State.
  • See the Any State Scoping Guide.


New Replication System

The replication system has been overhauled and is now more reliable and efficient.

  • Replication is now entirely reliable to ensure the same transition path is executed across all domains in the correct order.
  • New StateChangeAuthority is used to standardize behavior for both transitions and any manual state change calls. This replaces NetworkTransitionConfiguration.
  • Listen server configurations will be more consistent with dedicated server behavior.
  • Only owning clients will receive RPCs unless IncludeSimulatedProxies is enabled.
  • Replicated variables within state machine blueprints and references are now supported (but individual node classes are not).
  • See the updated Networking Guide for more information.

Display Categories for Exposed Variables

Non-default categories for public properties will now be displayed on the node. Default properties will appear on the top with category order being maintained below.


The details panel has been updated to display properties under their correct category now.

  • Exposed arrays will show up on the top most category, but not nested categories.

Retrieve and Set States by Qualified Name

States can be retrieved and set by their fully qualified name. When the class type of the state machine is known, a state picker tree view will be available.


Async Initialization

State Machines can now be initialized async. This is a multi-threaded solution to help reduce blocking operations on the game thread. See the Performance Guide's Async Initialization section for more information.


Create State Machine Instance is now an Execution Function

An execution function is more appropriate as this is an expensive operation that instantiates and initializes a new state machine.

The original pure method has been renamed and soft deprecated. Going forward using the execution method is the preferred solution. Uses of the old function still work and do not have to be updated.


Fast Path Optimization

Running the local blueprint graph can now be avoided in more situations, especially benefiting C++ nodes. When a node avoids using a blueprint graph the fast path symbol will appear.

  • See the Performance Guide's Fast Path section.

Default Node Instances Optimization

Rather than always instantiate node instances that don't have a custom class assigned, they will instead be loaded only if programmatically accessed. This should reduce memory usage and initialization times.

Default Graph Property Optimization

Exposed properties that have only default values can optionally avoid graph evaluation at runtime by unchecking Eval Default Properties in the node class.

Switch States Immediately

Several methods of switching states have been updated to occur immediately at the time of execution during the same tick. Previously they could trigger a state change on one tick, but OnStateBegin wouldn't fire until the next tick. These changes will allow more precise control over frame sensitive state changes.

The following methods now execute immediately and have had their behavior slightly updated.

  • Automatic event bound transitions use a new optimized routine to only evaluate and take that specific transition at the time of the event, rather than the old way of performing a full transition evaluation of the state machine.
  • EvaluateFromManuallyBoundEvent has been improved to only evaluate and take the transition it was called for, making the behavior similar to how auto bound events function. When using manual bound events this is the preferred way of triggering evaluation now, instead of calling EvaluateTransitions.
  • Manual state change calls such as SetActive and SwitchToLinkedState will process the change immediately, but can be configured not to if needed.

Manually Assign GUIDs

It is now possible to manually configure the GUID to use for a state. This may be necessary if you have to update the structure of a state machine that has run-time save data associated with it.

  • Added Guid Redirect Map to state machine instances. This accepts an old PathGuid as the key and the new PathGuid as the value. A PathGuid is the GUID that is returned from GetGuid at run-time. This is the preferred solution for redirecting GUIDs and must be maintained on the primary instance, not on individual references.
  • Exposed NodeGuid to individual states in the state machine graph. This is only used in the final run-time GUID calculation, and in most circumstances it should not be changed.
  • See GUID Calculation for more information.

Configurable Node Double Click Behavior

Nodes can have their double click behavior customized under Editor Preferences to either open the local graph or an external graph, such as a node blueprint.


  • The default behavior for references has changed to always prefer the external state machine blueprint.
  • The intermediate reference icon can now be double clicked to open the local graph.
  • When opening an external graph the current debug object will be maintained.


  • Added StopOnEndPlay to components.
  • Added GetStateMachineReference to USMStateMachineInstance.
  • Added SwitchToLinkedStateByTransition to state instances.
  • Added OnRootStateMachineStart to transition instances.
  • Added OnRootStateMachineStop to transition instances.
  • Transitions now know if they were placed by an AnyState.
  • Transition Priority is now displayed above transition icons.
    • Can be configured with bDisplayTransitionPriority under Editor Preferences.
  • Transition background is now removed on custom icons.
    • Can be configured with bShowBackgroundOnCustomIcon.
  • Improved transition tooltip to display the auto bound event, the condition, and class information.
  • Local graph entry nodes and other custom nodes now support break points, pin watches, and pin execution visualization.
  • Changed Project Editor settings to use the default config, as this is meant to be shared across teams.
  • Improved Text Graph Property efficiency during editor construction scripts.
  • Improved slate refresh time.
  • Added magnifier button to soft actor reference picker.
  • The option to enable the soft actor reference picker has been moved from Editor Preferences to Project Editor settings.
  • AnyState transitions are now compiled into the final blueprint even if they are always false.
  • Changed IsRegisteredWithContextMenu to include native classes by default.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed intermittent cooking error caused by the state machine component.
  • Fixed OnStateShutdown firing before OnStateEnd.
  • Fixed GetEntryStates not working in editor construction scripts.
  • Fixed Replace With not clearing the details panel of stale data.
  • Fixed input bindings not compiling when connected to a For Each loop.
  • Fixed input bindings not compiling in Any State transitions.
  • Fixed default values entered into an exposed property requiring graph evaluation when using Legacy construction scripts.
  • Fixed nativized state stack failing to load at run-time.
  • Fixed state machine references possibly updating states in a different order.
  • Fixed local graph entry points not executing a Gate when connected directly to it.
  • Fixed incorrect behavior with parallel states triggering other parallel states with event based transitions.
  • Fixed removing a native delegate from code causing a crash when loading a state machine it was bound in.


Deprecated and Redirected

These properties are automatically renamed in blueprints. However, C++ code will give deprecation warnings until it is updated.

  • NetworkTransitionConfiguration is now StateChangeAuthority.
    • StateChangeAuthority does everything NetworkTransitionConfiguration did, but also impacts behavior over manual state changes and general commands, like Start and Stop.
  • NetworkStateConfiguration is now NetworkStateExecution.
    • The functionality is the same.
  • bTakeTransitionsFromServerOnly is now bWaitForTransactionsFromServer.
    • All transactions, not just transitions, will wait for a server response. This may impact behavior when using with manual state changes from the client as the client will remain in its current state until the server broadcasts the change.

Deprecated and Renamed

These properties will give warnings in blueprints and C++ until they are updated.


These properties are no longer used and will give errors or warnings until they are removed from blueprints and C++.

  • bDiscardTransitionsBeforeInitialize
  • bReplicateStatesOnLoad
  • TransitionResetTimeSeconds
  • MaxTimeToWaitForTransitionUpdate


  • Completely removed bReuseReference from state machine references. This is legacy behavior that is incompatible with many features and is no longer supported.
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