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Asset Constant Updates 4.26 Personnel LAST VERSION

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person 1.jpg

perso 2.jpg


High-quality models of personnel for scientific laboratory, hospital or office. Compatible with the Epic skeleton. Includes a fully customizable blueprint.
Opportunity of constructing many different NPCs
12 types of clothing
16 types of head and textures to them
Each head has a hairstyle, a beard and eyebrows
Fully customizable clothing (colors, pattern, etc.).
In a blueprint there is a simple system of animation and movement along the spline
Additional props (glasses, book, etc.).
Each mesh have a LODs
In the future, we plan to add a few more animations
Attention: there is no facial animation

  1. All blueprints and meshes are optimized (previously 30 fps at 50 people in the frame, now 30 fps at 140 people in the frame)
  2. All hairstyles and beards are suitable for all faces and change morphs
  3. Redesigned shaders for greater performance, some options removed (mostly eye settings, now only color settings are available)
  4. The Apex Cloth was completely removed, maybe we will return it if you write that you need it
  5. The old version of blueprints is located in the "Legacy" folder.

Technical Details​

Number of Assets: 107
Average Triangle count: 4349 (max 28564 min 104)
example LOD for the Head mesh: 14324 - 3442 - 1562 - 556
Texture Resolutions:
• (24) 4096x4096
• (44) 2048x2048
• (24) 1024x1024
• (6) 512x512
• (36) 256x256
• (2) 128x128
• (4) 8x8
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