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RPG Inventory and Interaction System

PAID Asset Constant Updates 5.0 4.27 $18 RPG Inventory and Interaction System 1.9

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Update 1.8 CHANGELOG
Supported Engine Versions: 4.26+

Player Character:

- All of the attached Components and Widget Management logic were moved to the Player Controller.
(Player Character is no longer need to be possessed all the time, this will help when switching between the different pawns, vehicles, etc.)
- 'CanJump' inherited function is no longer overriden, instead function 'Can Jump?' was created and it's being used on Input Action Jump (Pressed)
- Added new Event 'Server Update Equipment Mesh', which sets the currently equipped armor Mesh using 'OnRep' function
Player Controller:
- Now handles all of the logic for: Gamepad, Widget Management, Action Inputs, Object Interaction
- It is now also responsible for Player Capture Events [Initialize, Stat/Stop Capture]
- Added new Blueprint Interface 'Object Interaction', which now handles Initialize Interaction with Object
(Pre-Interaction), Start Interaction with Object, End Interaction with Object and Remove Interaction from Object
- Added new Class 'RPGInventory_HUD', which creates itself on Begin Play (default ZOrder = 0)
- It also handles Events for Show/Hide LootBar (which was added to the WB_HUD)
Player Capture:
- Now is not Initialized on Begin Play, instead uses 'Initialize Player Capture' Event called from the Player Controller (On possessed)
- No longer uses Event Dispatchers to Stat/Stop the Capture, instead events are directly called from the Player Controller
- 'T_PlayerCapture' render target resolution has been reduced to 1420x1420
- In order to have Player Capture working in Multiplayer uncheck 'Run under One Process' in the Editor Preferences/Multiplayer Options
- System is now Network Replicated, and should be working on both Client as Server and Dedicated Server architecture
- Added special replicated Events and separate Graphs to the: InventoryCore, PlayerInventory, PlayerEquipment, Stats, Leveling, Crafting, Interactable Component
- Saving and Loading is currently not working in Multiplayer
Inventory Function Library:
- Getter functions now need the Target as an Input (Instead Player Controller [0], this change was necessary to make SplitScreen working with the system)
User Interface:
- LootBar Widget is now part of the WB_HUD (you can now easily change the position of it, as well as the initial Mouse Position)
- 'Open Message Widget' is now called by an Interface function 'Display Message Notify' (executed in Player Controller / Widget Management)
- Added native support for 'Split-Screen'
- 'BPI_Inventory' is no longer being used, instead calling the functions directly in InventoryCore (Split Items in Inventory, Confirmation Popup Accepted)
- 'Freeze/Unfreeze' Game is no longer used, pausing the game is now up to personal preference
- Interaction no longer ticks every frame, instead it's using a timer with [0.1] sec loop
- Added Crafting Station Enum, instead of using bool 'Is Player near a forge?'. Currently containg only [None|Forge]
- Inventory Failure Messages (Invenotry full, etc.) can now be set individually for each Component
- Save System now correctly retrieves Player Level and Exp on Level Transition
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