(UHAK) Ultimate Horror Adventure Kit ☠
❰ This Asset is for those who want to create a Horror / Adventure game using 1st \ 3rd person camera or Static RE style cameras. The scene is assembled in the style of RE series. ❱
Huge set of modular High quality models (POLYGON RANGE FROM LOW TO MID) ✔
3rd person controller ✔
1st person perspective ✔
Puzzles ✔
Static camera character control ✔
Inventory system ✔
Rain drops camera effect ✔
Save box system ✔
Shooting and reloading system ✔
Picking up items and ammo combine ✔
Reading letters system ✔
Locked doors event system ✔
Opening\Closing doors (Run-Walk)✔
Map system ✔
Breaking objects ✔
Professional SFX ✔
Everyone can find something useful in this Asset.
For any questions please contact us ✌
Demo Scene includes.
PDF Documentation includes.
Package uses:
⚠HDRP 7.3.1
⚠Cinemachine 2.6.3
⚠TextMeshPro 2.0.1
It is recommended that you import the asset into a new project
Enjoy and have fun!