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Ultimate Fantasy Bundle - Castle - Dungeon - Village - Docks - Underwater

PREMIUM Asset 5.0 Ultimate Fantasy Bundle - Castle - Dungeon - Village - Docks - Underwater UE5

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Copy of ultimate vfx  284 x 284 px 894  488 px 1920  1080 px 4-1920x1080-962bb819731e183126fca9db3eb01673.png

-> Watch The Trailers <-

**Limited Time Bonus Get our best selling Ultimate SFX Bundle for free when buying this pack** (Send us a private message on Discord)

Note* Please change your character's walkable floor angle (inside character movement) to 50 if you have trouble walking up stairs/doorways.

The Bundle includes our entire fantasy stylized environment collection (7 Packs):

Total Value - 320$ Save 120$ When Buying This Bundle!

Technical Details:

Technical details can be found in the links for the packs above.

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Asset version: 5.1
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