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  1. Safouane Ayadi

    FREE Asset Art Station 4.27 Mega Pack Sci-Fi Hard Surface KITBASH 320 DETAILS 2022

    Set Includes: 320 Unique Objects Goes well with other sets in this series: www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/LbAa www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/Wn86 www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/YWwm www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/O1nB www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/ymjw...
  2. Melaro

    PRO Constant Updates Art Station 4.26 56 Wooden items collection: Planks, Poles, Arches and Beams - 52 pieces and four assets LAST VERSION

    This is a big set from four wooden beams and planks packs. Here are all that you nedd for level design or game assets creation. This is collection from these packs: https://www.artstation.com/a/22787 https://www.artstation.com/a/42004 https://www.artstation.com/a/41996...
  3. Freeze

    FREE Asset 4.26 Sicka Yazd Exterior LAST VERSION

    *Please Leave Review to help buyers to choose better and me to make better Products (use stars or if you have time write a review) This is a simple scene Setup based on an old style Persian home . there are modular assets and some foliage with wind effect . everything else is in the gallery...
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