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  1. Melaro

    PAID Asset Constant Updates 5.0 $12 FPS Russian Weapon Pack 2022-04-21

    The pack contains such weapons as: machine gun pk assault rifle akms assault rifle akmsu assault rifle aks74u assault rifle as-val sniper rifle svb sniper rifle vss sniper rifle mosin double barrel iz 49 sawed-off toz pump shotgun grenade launcher rpg7 pistol tt pistol pm revolver automatic...
  2. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 FPS Assault Pack LAST VERSION

    These assault rifles are optimized for first person games and have 4K textures, animations, FX, and attachments. A set of arms is included. Video: ***Monthly Unreal Engine Sponsored Content product for March 2020*** Check out Deadghost Interactive's other products here...
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