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  1. Melaro

    PAID Asset Constant Updates 5.0 $5 4.26 Arctic Aurora 2022-04-26

    Video Flythrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIz3PMQsRIw This arctic mountain environment has a highly realistic landscape featuring several types of Aurora Borealis level. Landscape terrain using detailed shaders and a variety of assets covering the mountain. Ranging from high level trees...
  2. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 Aurora Borealis LAST VERSION

    Videos: https://youtu.be/ljimJJ54T0E https://youtu.be/1KLcRrtp77o Aurora Borealis, also known as northern lights, is a natural phenomenon that occurs close to the north pole of the Earth, as charged particles enter Earths magnetosphere. The same effect can also be seen at the south pole, then...
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