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  1. Melaro

    PREMIUM Asset 4.26 Mobile GUI / UI Pro Kit - Casual MOBA Game LAST VERSION

    <br/><br/><p>This pack contains high-resolution UI elements and icons which could be used in any casual game.</p><p>You will have to code it on your own, this is just design.</p><p>Feel free to contact me if you need any information: <strong>nodaryn&#64;yandex.ru</strong></p><br/><br/>Technical...
  2. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 Dialogue Anims 4.26

    Preview Video Website Updates V1.1 Added 3 idles: Casual, Expressive and Tough Guy. Casual works with most anims. (Sept 03 2021) Production Description Total Animations: 102 + (3 from Updates) 20 Casual 8 Cheesy 10 Creep 8 Elbow Rest 20 Expressive 5 Goblin 19 Hand On Hip 16 Tough Guy...
  3. Freeze

    FREE Asset 4.26 Casual Animation Pack LAST VERSION

    26 Casual animations you can use any type of games.It suits well in casual, puzzle, simulation games. Preview Video: Technical Details Features: Up to 26 animations push your casual games next level 3 Digging Animations 7 Locomotion Animations 16 Casual Animations Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes...
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