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  1. Melaro

    PRO Asset Constant Updates 4.26 Mech Constructor Spiders and Tanks LAST VERSION

    3d animated previews: Heavy Spider: https://skfb.ly/Ko8V Light Spider: https://skfb.ly/JHBF Can be greatly expanded by the: Light and Medium Robots Heavy Robot Humanoid Robots The units are easy to assemble - just put the parts into the corresponding sockets and they'll snap right into...
  2. Safouane Ayadi

    FREE Asset 4.27 4.23 & < Modular Low Poly Robots 2022-02-27

    ***Monthly Unreal Engine Sponsored Content product for June 2021*** Check out UDevLemon's other products here: UDevLemon Content Video: https://youtu.be/Ds8enn1vSPY Playable demo: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gnG_Fc-vW6QxGOifsBXdkJrf0G53ZpGH The pack includes 8 types of weapon modules...
vermilion_ksLatest member