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  1. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.27 4.26 Cyberpunk Industries Vol.1 LAST VERSION

    This Cyberpunk-themed assets pack let you create your own buildings thanks to a system of ready-made wall pannels that will make each of your creations unique. A large selection of props, all with very detailed textures, comes with this pack too. Last but not least, a demo level is provided so...
  2. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 Cyberpunk Environment Megapack (Modular / with Interiors ) LAST VERSION

    Here is our 6 months of hardworking as Leartes Team , Cyberpunk Environment Megapack with over 650 Unique Meshes , a lot of BluePrints for easy use , Merged Building Parts for less Drawcalls in scene , we did our best for optimization since the Project is huge and there are a lot of Assets We...
  3. Melaro

    PRO Asset 4.27 4.26 CyberPunk Laboratory / Research Center Interior Kitbash LAST VERSION

    CyberPunk Laboratory / Research Center Interior Kitbash Set with over 100 unique meshes you will be able to create your own Cyberpunk Interior Environments , AAA quality and easy to use assets , 2 spline blueprints for arraging cables shapes and more features , The product has beed created as a...
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