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  1. Melaro

    PAID Plugin Constant Updates 5.0 $8 Nemisindo Adaptive Footsteps V2 UE5

    Nemisindo's Adaptive Footsteps plugin features a dynamic sound effect model capable of generating footsteps in real time, completely procedurally. It comes with 4 different shoe types, 7 surface types, and additonal controls for the pace, step firmness, steadiness, etc. These parameters can be...
  2. Safouane Ayadi

    FREE Asset 4.27 Footsteps Sounds with Blueprint Setup 2022-02-26

    Updated version Video Old version Video This asset contain footsteps, rattle and jump grunts sounds. Both footsteps and grunts sounds are different for male and female character. It can be used in every game with bipedal characters. There are 2 sets (for male and female) of 11 different samples...
  3. LeeSin

    FREE Asset 4.26 Footsteps Sounds (All Surfaces) LAST VERSION

    Footsteps Sounds (All Surfaces) 296 high-quality footsteps sounds specially crafted to help you put sound to your games. This pack covers the following surfaces: Blood Concrete (2 types) Creaky Wood Dirt Earth Grass (2 types) Gravel Heel Leaves Low Metal Low Stone Low Wood Metal Monster...
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