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  1. skile06

    Asset Constant Updates 4.26 Personnel LAST VERSION

    Preview: High-quality models of personnel for scientific laboratory, hospital or office. Compatible with the Epic skeleton. Includes a fully customizable blueprint. Opportunity of constructing many different NPCs 12 types of clothing 16 types of head and textures to them Each head has a...
  2. Melaro

    PREMIUM Asset 4.27 4.26 Survival props pack LAST VERSION

    This set contains: Metal shelves for storing loot. Oil storage container. Airdrop. Homemade wall shield. Homemade stove. Painting workbench. Workbench for learning recipes. Wooden spears-trap. Homemade wind turbine. Homemade battery station. Wood barricade. An old first aid kit. Toolbox. An...
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