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  1. Melaro

    PAID Asset Constant Updates 5.0 $18 Romanesque Monastery 2022-04-26

    Showcase - Video Features - Video Support - Join Discord The Romanesque Monastery was designed similar to the architectural style of 6th-12th century Europe. Optimized for PC game. Design your monastery as you wish. Technical Details Features: Customizable Vertex Paint Parametric Material...
  2. Gamezz77

    FREE Asset 4.26 4.25 4.24 Sharur's Lost Monastery Ruins LAST VERSION

    Lost Monastery Ruins contains 91 modular assets, including: towers, tower bridges, cliffs (with vertex paint shader and adjustable texture shader), basalt columns, grass, flowers, wood planks, rocks, ground pebbles, two water shaders with vertex wave animation, decals and a two fog types...
utkuturemenLatest member