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  1. Melaro

    PREMIUM Asset 5.0 4.26 Digital UI Sounds 2022-05-02

    Hello Dev! In this package you will have access to 200 user interface audio files. There are Clicks, Exchange Options, Confirmations, Return, Equip Item, among others. All are made with a very high quality so you can simply import them into your project and start using them without the need for...
  2. Melaro

    PREMIUM Plugin 4.27 4.26 Texture Resizer Tool 1.0

    Bug reports or feature suggestion: [email protected] LATEST UPDATES: Added "Skip non-power of two" option, when using the "Per Texture Resolution"; Added functionality to set all sizes to half of the current value, when using the "Per Texture Resolution"; Added missing 16x16 input. In the...
  3. Melaro

    PREMIUM Asset Constant Updates 4.26 Shooter Rifle Anims LAST VERSION

    Video Demo NOTE: All anims in this pack are also contained in my blueprint shooter project, except for the aiming anims and the AimOffsets, since that project uses procedural methods. This pack consists of handcrafted tactical animations for the Epic's full-body mannequin holding a rifle. Can...
  4. Melaro

    PREMIUM Plugin 4.27 4.26 Optimization Tools 1.0

    This plugin offers the following optimizations and tools : - SetDecalResponseToNoneForAllMaterials By default all Unreal materials have the decal response set to "Color,Normal,Roughness". This is useful only for decals placed on lightmapped surfaces. If your projects uses only dynamic lights...
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