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  1. Melaro

    PREMIUM Plugin 4.27 DoN's Dynamic Mesh Effects 2.0

    <br/><br/><h2>Try for yourself: <a href="http://www.drunkonnectar.com/dynamic-mesh-effects-unreal-engine/kb/packaged-demos/" rel="nofollow">Free Packaged Demo!</a></h2><p><br /></p><p><em>Quick Links:</em></p><h2><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v&#61;MXrHfWu9vD0" rel="nofollow">Video...
  2. Gamezz77

    FREE Asset 4.27 4.26 Northern Forest LAST VERSION

    DEMO MAP PREVIEW: Northern environment with pines, spruces and birches. Technical Details 10 master materials 28 instances 2 blueprints (one usage combined) 1 demo level 1 overview map 2 particles ( 1+variation ) 1 sequence 1 skeletal mesh + phys asset + 1 animation (bird, flapping, used...
  3. Melaro

    PREMIUM Asset 4.26 Post-Soviet Village LAST VERSION

    Video How to use vertex paint in my projects (use Red channel to paint\erase snow) The architecture is mostly Russian and Eastern European. This asset pack has fully procedural snow and many variations of modular houses' parts. It's up to you to make a happy freshly-built village or a gloomy...
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