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  1. Melaro

    PAID DISCOUNT Asset Constant Updates 4.27 $15 Techwear Girls LAST VERSION

    Technical details VIDEO PREVIEW: https://youtu.be/iVTbczC7HX0 TECHWEAR GIRL 01 - LOD 0 - faces 41579, tris 62875, verts 41850 TECHWEAR GIRL 02 - LOD 0 - faces 37593, tris 59821, verts 31160 TECHWEAR GIRL 03 - LOD 0 - faces 33246, tris 51821, verts 27007 TECHWEAR GIRL 04 - LOD 0 - faces 37285...
  2. skile06

    FREE Asset 4.27 4.26 Regular Male Civilian Character LAST VERSION

    Mesh video overview Material features video overview High-quality Regular Male Civilian customizable character set, with countless amount of variations. Compatible with the Epic skeleton LODs ADDED!!!! 5 faces 12 clothing types (with different color variations): hat classic jacket shirt...
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