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  1. Safouane Ayadi

    FREE Asset 5.2 5.1 5.0 UE5 EA 4.27 Photorealistic Helicopter UE 5.2

    Video overview of the project Documentation Demo Custom_Character (now using BP_Interface so all you need to do is just copy node from third_person_bP that's all) Discord Update for UE 5.1 project -Using Enhance Input Update for UE 5.0 project -Press & Hold E and Q to Start and Stop or Lift...
  2. Melaro

    PREMIUM Asset UE5 EA 4.26 UE5 + UE4 - R2House LAST VERSION

    This Amazing Unreal Project Pack was created for to be Photorealistic. This is Amazing for Study and reverse engineering. The project used as reference was the amazing R2 House by Studio Bloco Arquitetura. You tube Demo Video: Dviz website: https://www.dviz.com.br/3dproducts Help and Support...
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