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  1. dwbtrew

    FREE Asset 4.27 4.26 4.25 Four Evil Dragons PBR LAST VERSION

    For all dragon's animation preview, click here. Dragon the Usurper 4,832 Polycount(Tris). Dragon the Terror Bringer 4,684 Polycount(Tris) Dragon the Nightmare 4,382 Polycount(Tris) Dragon the Soul Eater 3,864 Polycount(Tris) Up to 18 Various animations PBR textures with 4 different color...
  2. Freeze

    PREMIUM Asset 4.27 4.26 Stylized Forest LAST VERSION

    Stylized forest set of foliage, VFX, and materials. All the set has been made thinking in performance and high visual quality. For that reason, the models have a good topology and polycount Technical Details You can see more details and pictures on my Artstation...
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