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  1. Melaro

    FREE Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 Radial Scan FX 2022-06-24

    <br/><br/><p><a href="https://youtu.be/AMAu3Hwdzs8" rel="nofollow"><strong>Video Showcase</strong></a></p><p><br /></p><h1>What is it?</h1><p>Radial Scan FX is a highly customizable scanning ring shader, prepped and ready for easy integration into your game. With a few tweaks, you can create an...
  2. Melaro

    PAID Asset 5.0 $18 Chaos based Advanced Building Construction System 1.0

    Example video Suggested combinations: Optionally link it to my popular Inventory System. Use this system on The Island map included in my advanced, but still drag and drop photorealistic auto landscape material! Fill this world with awesome Choppable interactive trees to go with your...
  3. SrRhyan

    FREE Asset 4.27 Generic Radial Menus v2.0 - Selection Wheels and Pie Menus LAST VERSION

    VERSION 2.0 UPDATE OUT NOW! Version 2.0 Notes: 15 new radial textures (for a total of 19) Custom input! Feed your own input into the menus for extra versatility. Any Vector2D works, so go crazy! New material system - customize look and color of your menu in editor Multimenu sample in...
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