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  1. Melaro

    PAID Asset 5.0 $5 Team Deathmatch Mode UE5

    <br/><br/><ul><li>The product has all the necessary features for creating a game with the team deathmatch mode. </li><li>It supports rounds and no rounds match system. </li><li>There are two options for the rounds system. The first option is when there are a common match timer and common scores...
  2. Melaro

    PRO Asset Constant Updates 4.27 4.26 Bomb Scenario VERSION 1.3

    Documentation | Demo | Discord Update V1.3 - Fixed a bug that blocked the picking up of the bomb Update V1.2 - Small improvements and bug fixes, slightly reworked UI Update V1.1 - Now with team based player spectating Two teams compete against each other. Team A must plant the bomb in the...
  3. Melaro

    PRO Asset 4.27 4.26 Boiling Liquid LAST VERSION

    THANKS TO Mummy001 FOR HIS COLLABORATION IN THE PURCHASE OF THIS RESOURCE This asset will perfectly suit any project that requires quality animated liquid surface, you can choose round and square liquid form and the five polycount variants from 2k triangles for performance up to 10k triangles...
  4. Freeze

    FREE Asset 4.26 Playground LAST VERSION

    Tired of digital era taking over your kid and your inability to pull him outdoors and play? Worry no more! Download this set and let him have an opportunity to play at the playground at least virtually. This playground will also do great for an architectural scene or a game. Kids playground...
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