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  1. Melaro

    PRO Asset 4.27 4.26 Tyrannosaurus Rex LAST VERSION

    Tyrannosaurus Rex character with 24 X Animations: TRex_Sleep TRex_Sleep_To_Idle TRex_Idle_01 Trex_Idle_LookAround TRex_Sniffing TRex_Roar TRex_Attack_01 TRex_Attack_02 TRex_Attack_Left TRex_Attack_Right TRex_Hit_01 TRex_Hit_02 TRex_Eating TRex_Death TRex_Walk_01 TRex_Walk_02...
  2. Freeze

    FREE Asset 4.26 LowPoly Cats LAST VERSION

    This pack of LOWPOLY CATS is perfect for your stylized game. The pack contains 15 cat breeds with 80 (!!) animations. Optimized models allow you to use them for games on PC and mobile devices. The models have 2500 - 3500 tris and 36 bones. Texture map - only one albedo 1k. 80 animations...
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