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  1. Melaro

    PREMIUM Asset 5.0 4.27 Fantasy weapons pack 2022-07-26

    <br/><br/><p>High quality fantasy weapons.</p><p>The set contains 64 items.</p><p>The total number of polygons is 79840 triangles,</p><p>40374 vertices.</p><p>each object has a PBR texture with a resolution of 2048x2048.</p><p><br /></p><p>Barbarian Set total polygons (triangles)...
  2. Melaro

    PRO Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 Building and Industrial Props 2022-07-09

    <br/><br/><p>With this asset you can manage to do various scene types like hallways, factories, basements, hospitals, interiors, etc... It contains many props like wires, electrical boxes, pipes and water pipes or lights and a duct air system. </p><p><br /></p><p>Also walls, floors and roofs...
  3. Melaro

    PRO Asset 4.26 Kinetica LAST VERSION

    Blueprint created for manipulating the skeletal mesh at runtime. Technical Details Video Please test the package (in the link below) before purchasing. Package VR Headset (HTC) you can switch FP Character / VR character by pressing "shift +V" Adding Custom Skeletal Meshes : Tutorial | Final FP...
  4. Melaro

    PAID Asset 4.26 $10 Kinetica 1.0

    Blueprint created for manipulating the skeletal mesh at runtime. Technical Details Video Please test the package (in the link below) before purchasing. Package VR Headset (HTC) you can switch FP Character / VR character by pressing "shift +V" Adding Custom Skeletal Meshes : Tutorial | Final FP...
  5. Gamezz77

    FREE Asset 4.27 4.26 Hover Car System LAST VERSION

    /!\ Update (Dec 2018): I fixed some bugs, made code improvements, added no-gravity and "stick to surface" modes to the car, better structured code and some minor changes. A new tutorial will soon follow. Preview: YouTube Tutorial: YouTube The Hover Car System is an easy to use System to create...
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