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  1. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 European Swords LAST VERSION

    Preview: https://youtu.be/Zz9xdybytmY Realistic, famous European swords from different eras. They all have PBR materials, proper LOD's for both large scale scenes and the FPS view. Technical Details Physically-Based Rendering: Yes Texture Size : 4K Collision: Yes Polygon Count: Varied...
  2. Freeze

    PREMIUM Asset 4.27 4.26 Medieval Kingdom LAST VERSION

    Our Studio Website: https://beffio.com Official Video Trailer: Medieval Kingdom is a next-gen PBR 3D modular art package which contains 500 models to create your own RPG or RTS Game with Top-Down View or First Person (please keep in mind that the art is stylized that means that some objects...
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