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Attention! - Trees, and the puddle material presented in the screenshots and in the demo, are not included in the pack. Trees taken from here
Scene from an abandoned working railway zone, assembled from modules. The zone is divided into a working building and an office.
Modules allow you to build buildings of any size and type, to your taste.
Unique textures of walls, floor tiles and ceilings will make your buildings unique.
You can assemble buildings of any size, at your discretion, and photoscanned models will help you complement the scene.
The dimensions of the wall panels are 4x3 meters, several types of bricks and tiles.
All photoscan models have their own unique texture.
Demo scene included in the pack.
Other works can be bought here.
Technical Details
Features: To create realistic scenes of abandoned buildingsNumber of Unique Meshes: 146
Collision: automatically generated
Vertex Count: 6 - 86040. Modulated component - 6 - 12086 vertex, large meshes 33200 - 86040 (4 meshes)
LODs: Auto
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 10 Base material, 165 material instance, 4 BP material
Number of Textures: 362
Texture Resolutions: 4096x2048, 4096x4096
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes