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Additional Controls

PAID Asset 5.1 $12 Additional Controls 2023-04-23

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  • For all those who have purchased the previous additional controls pack, contact me via Discord with your details and I will send to EpicGames to confirm and add the new pack to your vault.

  • The primary focus of this package is designed to make quick work of having/adding additional controls/abilities to your game. This is a revamp on the original Additional Controls. This is still a work in progress as more advanced systems will be added/upgraded.

  • As it currently is, you have access to ;

Gliding / When in the air/falling, press G to toggle the glider.

Ziplines / Press E when overlapping the zipline cable to begin using.

Flying / Press T to toggle mouse aimed flight.

Ledge Climbing / Auto detection of ledges to grab, climb up and drop down.

Wall Climbing / Press F when facing a wall to grab it and begin climbing.

Teleporting / There is a teleport pad in the map as well as the ability, press X to start, and left mouse to teleport.

Mount / Right Mouse then Left Mouse to summon / Press Y to toggle active state, and press E to ride/dismount.

Grapple Hook / Press and hold Q to use.

Aiming / Use right mouse button to toggle.

Portals / Right Mouse then press 0 to set two destination points.

Damage System ,Healing System and respawn / Just walk over the corresponding plates for sampling.

Day/Night Cycle

Interactive Torches / can pickup, carry and place.


Experience system

  • These systems will be upgraded to a more advanced version in time.

The upgrades will come with documentation for easy upgrading/modding.

  • The Animations being used are just placeholders, you should replace them with your own.

  • This kit has been made in UnrealEngine 5.1.0 using the new Mannequin.

There will be many new system getting add / upgraded

Stay tuned for new and improved features.

Documents in root folder of project.

Technical Details:


  • Gliding / Press G when falling/in the air
  • Ziplines / Press E when jumping into the zipline rope
  • Manual Ziplines / Right click to aim mode, then press E to set end and start points.
  • Flying / Press T
  • Ledge Climbing / W to climb up, S to drop down (auto ledge grabbing)
  • Wall Climbing / Press F
  • Teleporting / Press X to initiate teleport location, Left Mouse to teleport to location
  • Mount / Press Y to toggle following, Press E to mount
  • Grapple Hook / Press Q
  • Aim / Press Right Mouse
  • Portals / Press Right Mouse then press 0 to place two location portals.
  • Health/Damage/Heal/Respawn
  • Day/Night Cycle
  • Interactive Torches
  • Sprint/Stamina
  • Experience system

Number of Blueprints: 21

Number of Animations: 89

Network Replicated: (No)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes) / Mac: (Yes)

The animations use are just place holders and the systems in general are to give you an idea of how to make your own.

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