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Agora Global Events

FREE Plugin 5.3 Agora Global Events v1.0

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Cross-communicate between actors, objects, umg, components etc. without any references to each other. No more casting or using get all actors of class.



  • Easy communication between actors/objects.
  • Eliminates actor/object casting.
  • Eliminates actor/object referencing.
  • Integrates with gameplay debugger.

Code Modules:

  • AgoraGlobalEvents (Runtime)
  • AgoraGlobalEventsEditor (Editor)

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 5

Network Replicated: Not out-of-the-box but should be possible.

Supported Development Platforms: All platforms that Unreal Engine supports.

Supported Target Build Platforms: All platforms that Unreal Engine supports.

Documentation: https://ryanjon2040.gitbook.io/agora-global-events/

Example Project: Coming Soon...

Important/Additional Notes: Have a great day! 🙂


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