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PREMIUM Asset 4.26 Airliner LAST VERSION

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Airliner with interior and cockpit, landing gears, separated flaps etc. Design inspired by Boeing 737, but slightly changed to avoid copyright issues. Comes with functional blueprints and set of customizable materials to create different color variations. All assets created to correspond current gen games budgets.

VIDEO - https://youtu.be/oN7o68uD_10

Technical Details​

  • Functional plane blueprint with working doors, flaps, landing gears.
  • Set of materials for different color schemes.
  • PBR materials for all assets.
  • Demonstration maps.

Texture Sizes: form 32 to 4096

Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Collision: Yes, custom.
Vertex Count: from 17 to 19375.
LODs: No.
Number of Meshes: 67.
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 29.
Number of Textures: 41.

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, PS4, Xbox One
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, PS4, Xbox One

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