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AlterMesh - Geometry Nodes in Unreal

PRO Plugin 5.4 AlterMesh - Geometry Nodes in Unreal v2.8.0

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ALTERMESH UNREAL GALLERY 02 1080-1920x1080-5720eefb05a725ac38f3fae10a33bb68.png

Perform your knowledge of blender in Unreal Engine with AlterMesh, enjoy the malleability that GeometryNodes can offer.

Through AlterMesh promote integration between Blender and Unreal Engine, preserving your Geometry Nodes parameters, and providing a fast and Non-Destructive Workflow.

Save time in Unreal Engine and retain your editable files that you already built within blender.

feel free to contact [email protected] or join our discord at https://discord.gg/kdUW3w6taQ for help!



  • Bring every bit of info from your GN into Unreal with the Attribute Mapping
  • Keep your GeoNodes intact with the new Non-Destructive workflow
  • Animated GeoNodes with VAT support
  • Keyframing GeoNodes parameters for Cinematics
  • Real time editing of the GeoNodes setup
  • Comprehensive asset editor, with Attributes and UVs output visualization
  • Instancing support, including foliage instancing
  • Support for Lumen and Nanite

Code Modules:

  • AlterMesh [Runtime]
  • AlterMeshRendering [Runtime]
  • AlterMeshEditor [Editor]

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 103

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows 64 bit

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows / Mac / Linux / Consoles / Mobile

Documentation: http://AlterMesh.com/docs

Example Project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TjBG7mjsQp95l6vcImLZ-RDtuU7xZ0Cx/view?usp=drive_link

Important/Additional Notes: This plugin depends on Blender, you must download and configure the executable path in the project settings.

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