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PRO Plugin Constant Updates 5.0 BlueprintWebSocket 1.0.6

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BlueprintWebSocket is an easy-to-use WebSocket client fully available for Blueprints and C++.

Integrate it easily within your project and start sending and receiving string or binary messages with your WebSocket server.

Choose your protocol

BlueprintWebSocket allows you to connect to the server with ws or wss protocols.


Create as much sockets as you want to connect to several WebSocket servers at the same time.

Headers access

BlueprintWebSocket allows you to add custom header keys and values.

No Dependency

BlueprintWebSocket is built around the engine's WebSockets module. It doesn't require any dependency.

Fully functional demo

Learn how to use it with the documentation or the functional demo project and the basic echo server included.

Technical Details:


  • Full WebSocket client for Blueprints and C++.
  • Easy-to-use.
  • ws and wss protocols support.
  • Binary and string messages support.
  • Headers access.

Code Modules:

  • BlueprintWebSocket(Runtime)


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