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Brutalist Architecture Office

PAID Asset Constant Updates 5.0 $12 Brutalist Architecture Office 1.2

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Pack comes with over 70 blueprints that help to speed up the level creation process and keep performance optimized. Building system generates buildings with over 200+ variables to change for windows, dimensions, colors, furniture etc. Spline blueprints with various systems that help to add chairs, interior plants etc.

A library with over 250 different arch viz styled assets like furniture, props, lights etc. Pack also includes nature assets like foliage and rocks for the surrounding background.

You will also get a library of generic blueprints to handle doors, pillars, pipes, scattering, signs, stairs, wires etc. Pack includes an example level that showcases all of the systems and features.

Not built with networking in mind, will not work with static lighting due to instanced meshes.

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Technical Details:


  • Building blueprint system with 200+ parameters
  • Over 70 different blueprints & splines to speed up level creation
  • 250 arch viz themed assets
  • Advanced materials with multiple customizable parameters and vast color control
  • Interactive lights, doors and furniture
  • Modular meshes
  • Tiling architectural materials
  • Automatic furniture placement
  • Dynamic lighting
  • Example player pawn that allows to pick up objects and use lights, doors, furniture
  • Example level with optimized dynamic lighting and landscape

Number of Unique Meshes: 256

Collision: Yes, automatically and manually generated simple & per poly collision

Vertex Count: 200-30 000 depending on asset

LODs: Yes, 3-4 depending on asset

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 104

Number of Textures: 186

Texture Resolutions:

4K (8)

2K (132)

1K (41)

512 (1)

256 (4)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: No

Documentation: Documentation, Showcase video, Breakdown video, Test build

Important/Additional Notes: Not built with networking in mind, will not work with static lighting due to instanced meshes.

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