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Cash Registers

FREE Asset 4.26 Cash Registers LAST VERSION

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A collection of props you would find at a cashier checkout at a supermarket / convenience store / cafe / etc.

All meshes are highly optimized for games and come with high quality, detailed, PBR configured textures.

Technical Details​

  • 6 Static Meshes
  • High quality texture 2048x2048
  • Channel packed RGB texture ( Metalness | Roughness )
  • Optimized for games

Texture Sizes:
  • 2048x2048

Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Collision: yes, auto-generated
Vertex Count: Triangle counts range from 200 --> 500.
LODs: Each prop has 3 LODs
Number of Meshes: 6
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 6
Number of Textures: 18
Supported Development Platforms: PC
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC
Documentation: N/A
Important/Additional Notes: N/A

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