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Chaos based Choppable and Interactive Trees

PAID Asset 5.0 $8 Chaos based Choppable and Interactive Trees 2022-05-15

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Chaos based Choppable and Interactive Trees​

Each tree is from the supermaster class
The supermaster class is a placeholder which only hold a static mesh for performance reasons.
Feel free to change this to HISM or ISM
When the supermasterclass is touched, it spawns the CHAOS tree
The CHAOS tree can be chopped down and is from the class: Treecutting_Master
Make a child of this master to configure your own tree.

You can configure the child tree. The options are as follows:
- Mass required to be chopped down before falling
- Force Multiplier (Determines how fast mass is chopped)
- Delay before fractures are destroyed after meeting threshold
- Falling Tree Sound
- Log To Spawn
- Amount of logs to spawn
- Duration Before Logs Spawning
- Does Respawn
- Respawn time
- When trunk is destroyed do not respawn
- Max Inactivity
- Delay to destroy actor if not respawning
- Damage required to destroy trunk
- Spawn item when trunk is destroyed
- Spawn this item when trunk is destroyed
- Trunk destruct sound

After the tree is chopped, a log is spawned.
This log is a blueprint actor so you are able to configure it for your inventory system.
The logs you see here are configured as a Child Blueprint from the Log_Master Blueprint. You only need to configure the master.
The child actors can be used to difer the static mesh or any other variable such as amount of wood.

Each Tree should consist of: Top, Middle, and a Trunk wherein the middle part is a destructible mesh.
Configure up to 8 destructible meshes in the middle for splitting effect.

Actor Foliage:
Use actor foliage to spawn the "Placeables".
Make sure to configure shadow settings to your peformance requirements.

A Vegetation Debris and Stump.
Bot used the logic if the normal master and tricked it's logic.

Important note: I am also known for the APEX based trees. I've created this new advanced product for CHAOS users. Existing customers are able to request this product to be added to your account if you provide Epic with an email address.

Technical Details​

  • Fully network replicated
  • CHAOS based destruction
  • Choppable trees based on CHAOS destruction
Number of Blueprints: 26
Number of Meshes: 65
Supported Development Platforms:
Documentation (available via discord or email):
  • Extensive blueprint documentation.
  • Documentation provided on the main aspects of the system and how to integrate to inventory system.
Important/Additional Notes:
Extensive and personal support from an active Discord community with one on one contact with the developer (That is me, Eric!).
CHAOS dependencies
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Reactions: aminyabut

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