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Chicken AI

PRO Asset Constant Updates 4.27 4.26 Chicken AI LAST VERSION

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📽 Showcase - Implementation Example

User guide


This is an AI pack that simulates a simplified version of the life of a chicken from birth to death and everything in between.

➤ AI Features​

  • Eat - Chickens will find a food source and eat from it to decrease hunger
  • Drink - When thirsty, chickens will find water and drink it
  • Rest - Refill stamina by resting
  • Lay egg - Go to the nearest nest and spawn an egg, fertilized only when there is a rooster nearby
  • Flee - Run away from potential danger
  • Explore - When doing nothing chickens will wander around the scene

➤ Features​

  • Showcase assets included
  • Extremely lightweight
  • Performance as the main priority
  • Includes a debug tool
  • Every variable is explained in the tooltip
  • Every blueprint is commented
  • Every node is tidy and organized
  • Easy to implement your own chickens

⚠ Important Notes:

  • This project will increase its price tag on each update that adds content (not bug fixes)
  • Basic knowledge is required if you plan to extend this pack

Human Daily Life

Ecosystem Simulation

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Technical Details​

Number of Blueprints: 11
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Documentation: Chicken AI - User guide
Important/Additional Notes:
  • This project will increase its price tag on each update that adds content (not bug fixes)
  • Basic knowledge is required if you plan to extend this pack
sussieduprizzLatest member