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FREE Plugin 4.26 ChunkCore 1.0.3

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The ChunkCore plugin is a Blueprint wrapper for the ChunkDownloader Plugin

ChunkDownloader is a patching solution for Unreal Engine. It downloads assets from a remote service and mounts them in memory for use in your games, enabling you to provide updates and assets with ease.


Technical Details​

  • Use the ChunkDownloader plugin in Blueprints
  • Download game files on demand
  • Patch your game
Code Modules
  • ChunkCore [Runtime]
Number of C++ Classes: 10+
Supported Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac
: https://eeldev.com/index.php/chunkcore/
Example Project: https://eeldev.com/index.php/chunkcore/
Notes: This is a Blueprint Wrapper plugin for the ChunkDownloader Plugin that is shipped with UE 4.26+ and as such you'll be referred to the official ChunkDownloader Plugin's documentation.

ChunkDownloader Documentation
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