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CIWS Turrets

FREE Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 CIWS Turrets 2022-07-10

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This product provides 3 types of turrets that operate as standalone. The turrets predict the path of the target and intercept it.

Missile CIWS uses homing missiles.

Gatling CIWS uses projectiles

Hybrid CIWS uses both and selects weapons depending on the distance to the target.

It also operates regardless of the turret's Roll, Pitch, and Yaw. So you can deploy it anywhere.

Technical Details:


  • Location Prediction Interception System.
  • Missile CIWS.
  • Gatling CIWS.
  • Hybrid CIWS.
  • Homing Missile.
  • Projectile.

15 Blueprints

10 Meshes

1 Level

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

Documentation: Documentation Click Here

Important/Additional Notes: You must read the documentation before migration.

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