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Countryside Race Game Pack

PRO Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 Countryside Race Game Pack 2022-07-09

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Optimized and ready to used Countryside Race Game Pack. The pack includes veriety of assets that will help you build a full countryside envrionemnt. Inside the pack you will find not only 3d models and materials, but also fence tool, customizable water shader, 11 layer virtual texture blend terrain shader, vegtation shader and special blend shader for assets to help you blend everything better.

In addition you will find a full race track scene that is ready to use or can be easily modified.

Technical Details:

Overview Video

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  • 1 Demo Level
  • 106 Unique Meshes
  • 12 Prefab Assets
  • 21 Folage Ready Assets
  • 8 Master Materials
  • 1 Terrain Material + Material Instance
  • 1 Water Material + Material Instance
  • 1 Decal Master Material
  • 16 Material Functions
  • 7 Decals
  • 58 Material Instanced
  • 195 Textures and Masks
  • Fence Tool
  • 1 LUT

Number of Unique Meshes: 106

Collision: Yes

Vertex Count: 27 - 51 243

LODs: Yes

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 94

Number of Textures: 195

Texture Resolutions: Mostly 4k

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