- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/custom-motion-blur

This pack brings high-quality, artist controllable motion blur to selected objects in your scene.
Simulate fast motion , linear and circular, even in still shots!
Suitable for all kinds of real-time projects; games, archviz, motion graphics.
For videos, high resolution images, and more visit:
Technical Details:
Linear / Circular motion blur cages:
Utilize transparent object's ability to sample colors from the scene to apply a motion-blur effect
to the object the cage is positioned around. Works out of the box: simply drag-and-drop the blueprint,
move, rotate, and scale it into position. Great for individual objects such as projectiles, vehicles, wheels or rotors.
Global motion blur:
Apply a motion blur effect scene-wide. You can use the DepthStencil buffer to selectively
include or exclude objects. Add the blueprint to your scene, tweak your settings, done.
Great for full-scene blurs in racing games or product viz
Virtual Reality:
Compatible with recent versions of UE4. Click for details
Forward shading:
Fully compatible. Temporal anti aliasing in deferred shading helps smooth out some of the noise, but it works fine in forward.
Compatible with translucency set to Raster. Click for details
Not supported.
Documentation and more:
For a full list of features, high resolution images, how-to's and more, visit:
Documentation: custommotionblur.thomaskole.nl
This is not a replacement for UE4's native motion blur - rather a supplement
in situations where the native effect falls short.