You can create a variety of futuristic scenes with 95 different modular meshes, 12 Bluprints and different materials.
Its urban background contains moving cars and camera animations in the Sequencer.
An animation of this will play when you press the play button in this scene
Technical Details:
- Built for modularity for the most flexibility in design
- Colorizable buildings, props let you harmonize your scene
- LevelSequence ( press the play button )
Number of Unique Meshes: 96
Collision: (Yes/custom, automatically generated )
Triangles Count: 69,144 ~ 2
LODs: (Yes)
Particles: From EPIC ( UE4 StarterMap )
LUT: 5
LevelSequence: 1
Decals: 18
Blueprints: 12
Number of Materials and Material Instances: Materials 7 , Material Instances 240
Number of Textures: 745
Texture Resolutions: 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
Supported Development Platforms: PC, MAC
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, MAC, Linux, VR, Xbox one, Ps4