Break up your modern warfare themed shooter gameplay with a great C-130 gunship gunner side mission. Death From Above is a fully functional gunship gunner mini-game. Just add your own game logic and objectives and run with it. This comes with tons of goodies!
A fully modeled and textured environment is included!
Technical Details:
- Thermal camera VFX
- Sounds and voice-over barks
- Custom explosion particles
- Realistic simulated HUD
- Environment models and meshes
- Destructed meshes
- Simple game logic
- Bonus gunship mesh and flares particle system
Number of Blueprints: 30
Number of Meshes: 36
Number of Audio Cues: 42
Input: (Gamepad, Keyboard, Mouse)
Network Replicated: (No)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Documentation: Link
Video: Link
Demo: Link
Discord: Link
Important/Additional Notes: This asset is intended for users with moderate experience with Blueprints.