- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/decal-designer

Watch Decal Designer in action
Create any decal or material you need in seconds, directly in the Unreal viewport with simple and easy-to-use controls. Use procedural texture generation to create infinite variations with ease. Input your own custom masks and textures
Full Online Documentation with 20+ pages showing all parameters, step by step guides and features.
Try the FREE fully featured Demo of Decal Designer
Technical Details
Features:- 1 Core Master Material Function with 12 Master Decal Materials
- Extra Decal features such as angle blending, depth fade, backface culling, spherical mapping, World and Triplanar mapping, POM and more
- 50+ parameters including Stylization, Height Blending, Thickness, Underlayer blurring, Contextual Distribution (even works with any texture you provide)
- Library of 50 pre made Decal materials. More to come soon
- 4 Maps - Library, Features, BlendModes and Tutorial
- Full online documentation
- Decal Designer creates standard Textures in the Content Browser
Requires the free Substance Plugin for Unreal 4
Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances 50+
Number of Textures: 200+ included, make as many as you want with Decal Designer
Texture Resolutions: Fully procedural, up to 8K in resolution
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Documentation: Full Online Documentation
Current Version: 1.04 Release Notes