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Discord Messenger

FREE Plugin 4.27 4.26 Discord Messenger 1.0

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UPDATE 03/09/2021: Here are the latest patch notes for UE4.27:
  • Removed "IncludeEmbed" argument as Discord Messenger now figures out internally if an embed was attached or not
  • Embed color can now be defined directly from a color picker window in the graph editor. No more need for manual hex to decimal conversion.
  • Improved error handling and logging
  • Added tooltip comments
  • Reduced function-call overhead
  • Updated documentation

How to Use
  1. Setup a Discord webhook (https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks)
  2. Call SendDiscordMessage from DiscordMessenger in any blueprint
  3. Set webhook URL and fill in atleast one of these arguments: "Content", "Embed" and/or "Files"

Technical Details​

  • Send automated messages, embeds and/or files to Discord using the flexible SendDiscordMessage blueprint function
  • Supports sending files of type: .png, .jpg, .gif, .txt and .mp4
  • Can be called in any blueprint

Code Modules:
  • DiscordMessenger [Runtime]

Number of Blueprints: 0
Number of C++ Classes: 2
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, IOS
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, IOS
Important/Additional Notes:
  • Discord's upload limit for files is max 8MB
  • You cannot include more than 10 files in one HTTP Request
  • Supported file types are: .png, .jpg, .gif, .txt and .mp4 (Additional file types can be added by modifying source code)
  • Embed image requires the file name of one of the included files. You cannot have more than one embed image in a single embed
  • Atleast one of these arguments must contain data: "Content", "Embed" and/or "Files"
  • Check releases for binary versions of this plugin
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