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Driveable Mars Rover

FREE Asset 5.3 Driveable Mars Rover 2024-02-22

No permission to download

[Demo Project here]

Ready to use as Driveable Pawn (Check the Overview video for detailed info)

Driveable Mars Rover pawn:

  • Control are set up
  • Complex suspension
  • Front/Rear lights control (color/power)
  • Body emissive control (color/power)
  • 3 Skins
  • 3 Wheel types
  • 4K Textures (PBR)
  • Sound


  • Acceleration
  • Wheeling (R/L)
  • Turn ON/OFF Front Lights
  • Handbrake
  • Camera changing

*Renders created in Quixel Environment. Not included in asset.

*Disclaimer: ChaosVehiclesPlugin required to be enabled for Unreal Engine 5!


Rigged: Yes

Animated: No

Number of pawns: 1

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 37

Number of Mars Rover Material Slots : 11

Number of Textures: 66

Texture Resolutions: 4K

Number of Mars Rover Triangles: 164K

Number of Mars Rover Whell Triangles: 12K-30K

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

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