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Essential Great Sword Animation Pack

FREE Asset 5.0 4.27 Essential Great Sword Animation Pack Update 4

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EssentialGreatSwordAnim - Unreal Editor 1222022 54433 AM2-1920x1080-03d6401c19f171bdf039810bf844005f.png

Video Trailer

Animation List

Demo v.1.01.1

Email : [email protected]

Discord : https://discord.gg/N22PxcWTKT


Update notes

1.01.2 (2022-05-18)

  • Applied root motion into basic locomotion animations including Walk, Jog, Run, Brake, Idle_to_Jog for all stance Note: Disable force root lock and enable root motion for each newly updated animations to switch from in-place to root motion.

1.01.1 (2022-05-13)

  • Fixed charged attack functionality to work properly

1.01 (2022-05-12)

  • Added new 63 animations
  • Added aim offset poses for all stances
  • Added new functions into the character blueprint (air attack, charged attack)
  • Changed default dodge animations
  • Changed jump primary attack to air attack (was plunge attack)
  • Added jump secondary attack to plunge attack

1.00.1 (2022-01-24)

  • Fixed missing animation keys of 1H_Hurt_Variations_06_Seq
  • Corrected animation display name texts in Demonstration level


This package includes essential animations for a character with great sword combat style, with a playable character blueprint. Recommended for an action RPG game.

This package contains 2 styles of great sword animation : one-handed(1H), two-handed(2H)

Each style has 2 stances : normal(A), battle(B)

So there are 4 main stances in this package : 1H-A, 1H-B, 2H-A, 2H-B

Technical Details:


  • Hand-crafted great sword combat animations
  • 4 stances of great sword animations
  • 2 styles of attack animations: one-handed and two-handed
  • Movement animations including walking, jogging, running, dodging, rolling, jumping and etc.
  • Playable character with great sword combat based on UE Third Person template for animation demonstration purpose
  • Hitbox system for hurt/damage animations testing
  • Debug Vector mode for directional animation blendspaces testing

Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes

IK bones are included: Yes

Number of Animations: 384 + 36 poses

Animation types: Root Motion, In-place

Number of Characters: 1

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: No

Custom Bones: 1 (weapon_r)

Additional Notes:

  • Some animations may not being used in the character blueprint. See animation list for more detail.
  • This package is an animation pack, all blueprint system included are made to demonstrate how this pack should work.
  • Your character has to have weapon bones in order to make weapon animation play correctly on your character. See how to add weapon bones walkthrough in my discord channel.

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