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Female Heroine 01

FREE Asset 4.26 Female Heroine 01 LAST VERSION

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(Watch the presentation video to see what you can do with this character)
This Post-Apocalyptic & Adventure style female character comes with 2 costumes, 26 morph targets that allow creators to achieve almost any facial expression, a melee weapon, and 9 Animations that includes attack and walk Animations as well as, a basic walk run and attack Blueprint. She is the first in a series of multi genre female heroine characters. (Base mesh not included)​

Technical Details​

  • 2 Costumes​
  • A basic walk, run, and attack Blueprint​
  • 9 Animations​
  • 24 Facial Morph targets​
Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Animated: Yes
Number of Characters: 1
Vertex Counts of Characters: Costume (1) 52,638 Costume (2) 48,888
Texture Resolutions: 1024x1024 - 8192x8192
Number of Animations: 9
Animation types: In-Place (Attack Animations have Root-Motion)
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